Thank you for visiting our website. Our desire is that you would be able to grow and mature in hearing His voice. There will be more features added to this website as time goes on. If you have a testimony how God has fulfilled the prophetic word in your life as a result of this ministry, please send it to me. I would like to add a page of testimonies to Glorify God. Testimonies also release the anointing and faith that brings forth more miracles. Our God is awesome and mighty. His fame is throughout the earth!
We are entering into a new dimension of the apostolic teaming in the local church. The Lord is raising up those with the five-fold gifts to help establish the church and equip the saints. The day is coming when teachers will not just teach the word of God, but they will equip the saints to teach. "My goal as a prophet is not to convince you that I hear God's voice, but rather that you do ... and help you to grow in it". -- Dale Mast
Seek God. Expect Him to speak to you through the Scriptures. Expect Him to speak to you in your prayer time. Expect Him to speak to you during your worship time. Expect Him to speak to you during difficult times... that's when He normally speaks at the greatest level. Why? That's when we tend to listen the most. Why not listen when things are going well? There are some awesome times ahead for those who walk in His Spirit.
It's your birthright to hear your Father's voice. He that hath ears... let him listen to what the Spirit is saying. It is time to eavesdrop in the heavenlies, so we can bring His Kingdom to the Earth.